What is VR?

Virtual reality is a technology in which a virtual environment is placed on a person’s eyes by a VR headset and interacts with the virtual conditions based on the movement of his head and body. Virtual reality is a computer simulation that can create three-dimensional images and spaces that lead to new experiences for people. Its effectiveness in hospitals and healthcare is rapidly evolving and improving, therefore; our team put particular efforts into this area.

What is VRT?


The brain and the nervous system have many complexities, on the other hand, they have various functions, and the disruption of any of these functions causes the brain not to function accurately and lose its ability to command to do the right things, which causes the person to malfunction, to be.

Brain functions consist of two parts:

  1. Cognitive
  2. Executive

These two functions are divided into subsections.

Some of these subsections are as follows:

  • Attention
  • Memory
  • Inhibition
  • Perception
  • Vigilance
  • Reaction behavior

VRT has a series of games dedicated to mental disorders through VR technology that a person under the supervision of psychotherapy clinics can use to control or treat disorders. The virtual reality package is a device that the therapist (psychologist or psychiatrist) uses to create conditions for the patient that help the patient recover. These conditions include a virtual environment that creates determined scenarios for the patient and the patient must respond to each.  Problems that will be improved by these systems will include problems of inattention, learning disabilities, anxiety disorders, post-accident stress, and so on.

Our Services



Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): It is a developmental-behavioral disorder. Usually, a person is not able to pay attention and focus on a subject, learning is slow and the person has unusual and very high physical activity. This disorder is associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, impulsive behaviors, or a combination of these.



Psychological assessment is the method by which a clinician formally assesses a person’s cognitive, personality, and psychosocial performance, which is used to diagnose or temporarily diagnose a mental disorder.

Evaluations must adhere to criteria, which guarantee that they will produce is very accurate and up-to-date results.



The prevalence of obesity in infancy, childhood, and adolescence is increasing worldwide. Obesity can influence a child’s health and affect things like access to education and quality of life in the future. It is significant to remark that obesity is more common in adulthood and increases the incidence of chronic diseases. Now, with the usage of advanced science, VR technology, the treatment of obesity also the control of eating disorders can be guaranteed.



Obsessive-compulsive disorder involves disturbing feelings, thoughts, or mental imagery, and compulsion involves conscious, recurring behavior. The root of obsessive-compulsive disorder is anxiety and it manifests itself in both intellectual and practical forms. Sometimes children also become obsessed, usually with aggressive behavior, repetition of words, or stubbornness with the people who surrounded.


1/ More effective due to the attractiveness of immersion in the virtual environment

2/ Home Care feature

3/ Repeatability

4/ Complete control over the factors influencing lack of concentration and fear

5/ Significant reduction in exposure costs such as physical injury risks

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